Our Instructor

Banurekha Viswanathan

A Computer Science and Engineering graduate passionate about making technology easy to understand. She has both the experiences of teaching subjects in colleges as well as working in web development projects in the IT companies.

Technology is one thing that always fascinates her. Learning new technologies and concepts and passing on the knowledge to the student community and sharing with fellow team mates makes her content.

Banu holds bachelor’s degree in computer science and engineering. Later she found her passion drifting towards teaching and so worked for a couple of years as a Lecturer in an Engineering College. While handling engineering papers like software engineering, she felt the need to gain hands-on experience by working in real-time projects and so joined an IT Software Company. As a developer, Banu worked in various web development technologies and developed projects in Django, PHP and JavaScript. Now in STEPS, Banu has balanced in both the worlds, where she gets to learn new concepts and teach them, and also work in projects that has the concepts and new ideas applied. As they say “Practice what you Preach” in the positive way Banu carry on this as Learn-Teach-Practice, being our DJANGO Instructor.